You know it’s coming. You can feel it. 



It’s a terrifying transition that will affect everything you hold dear: your own well-being, your kids, your home, your finances and your future.


What do you know right now about this process, which will reconstruct your whole life? Chances are, not much.


If this were a medical procedure, a doctor would have to describe both the benefits of the procedure, as well as its potential side-effects, and obtain your written agreement before you underwent the operation. In other words, informed consent.


There’s no informed consent in divorce, despite the fact that it will affect every part of your life.




Even if you hire an attorney, they’re not trained educators. They’re trained to be advocates, who conduct research, draft court papers, and defend your rights before a judge or mediator. If they do educate you about the ins and outs of the divorce process, with all its twists and turns, you’re going to have a HUGE BILL.   


If you don’t have an attorney, you should be even more worried. The judge isn’t likely to educate you. Their job is to make decisions – for you and your family, as well as a hundred other people on their docket. Worse yet, you’ll be held to the same legal standard as a lawyer, when it comes to knowing the law and asserting your rights.


If you don’t know the basic lay of the divorce landscape, how well are you going to communicate your needs to your attorney or to the court about the most important people and things in your life?


Not very well. And you could end up with horrible outcomes regarding parenting time with your kids, your income and your property. 


But you don’t have to be uninformed. Or pay through the nose to become informed. There is a solution. And it’s affordable.





The Divorce Readiness Bootcamp

A seven-module course that gets you ready for one of the most important transitions of your life.

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As a result of taking this course, you will: 

  • Be more confident and secure about getting divorced.

  •  Be more in control of a process that can feel out of control.

  •  Be informed about your options to make better decisions for you and your family. 

  •  Be better educated than your spouse about the whole process.

  •  Be able to understand the legal jargon, and what it means for you and your family.

  •  Be in partnership with your attorney when evaluating and making important legal decisions. 

  •  Be aware of the typical court processes in any divorce. 

  •  Be ready to create the support network you need to thrive during divorce. 

  •  Be thrifty and save thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees for basic divorce education.

  •  Be knowledgeable and empowered to create the best possible future.


Click Here for the Full Syllabus

The course is taught by renowned family law attorney, Suzanne Grandchamp, author of the award-winning book, “Marriages End. Families Don’t. Divorce Wisely. The essential roadmap for navigating the process of divorce.” Prior to becoming a full-time author, divorce educator and Jungian coach, Suzanne practiced family law for twenty-five years, and was recognized as both a “Super Lawyer” and one of the “Top Women Attorneys” in the state of Minnesota. Suzanne is a graduate of the Mitchell Hamline School of Law and the University of Minnesota. She is admitted to practice before the State of Minnesota, the U.S. District Court – Minnesota, the Eighth Circuit and the United States Supreme Court.

In this course you will learn: 


  • Divorce 101: Planning and Pre-Divorce Preparation.
  • Divorce 201: Commencing the Divorce.
  • Divorce 301: Temporary Hearings, Discovery, and Custody Evaluations.
  • Divorce 401: Mediation (Plus Other Forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution) and Settlement.
  • Divorce 501: Pre-Trial Preparation and Trial.
  • Divorce 601: Finality of Divorce: Entry of the Judgment and Decree and Clean-Up Work Afterward.
  • Divorce 701: Modifying the Final Judgment and Decree After Divorce.


Click Here for the Full Syllabus

If you were to pay an attorney an hourly rate of $350, this entire course would cost you nearly $14,700. But that isn’t the price.


After twenty-five years in the practice, Suzanne realizes that accessibility to information is the great equalizer in divorce.

And it should be available to nearly everyone. 

Full Divorce Readiness Bootcamp

8 Week Long Course

  • 7 in-depth video training modules by Suzanne
  • 2 x per week "Office Hours" on Zoom for additional support with Suzanne and the Divorce Readiness community
  • Course modules complete with theory, learning objectives and core skill development
  • Homework to adequately prepare you on how to handle everything you will be presented with in divorce
  • Downloadable worksheets to exhibit typical lists, budgets, deeds, forms and other documentation you will see in the divorce process
  • Tangible skillsets and learning outcomes that will equip you with full knowledge WITHOUT hiring an expensive attorney

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Once you have filled out the form below, Suzanne and her team will reach out to schedule a call. Course launches October 2024. 

What Suzanne's Clients are Saying

I trust Suzanne Grandchamp as my divorce attorney, as she has much experience, is personable and has been a strong voice for me when I’ve not been able to do that
for myself. Suzanne has always been open to my needs and has done her best in
representing me. The best part of working with Suzanne was the openness and flexibility her law office has shown with my needs. I can’t think of a single thing I would change. I have
recommended Suzanne before and would do so again!

Shamurla S.

Suzanne was a tremendous asset and very compassionate while going through my divorce. Her collaborative style minimized my legal fees and made the separation much easier on both of us.  My spouse did not even seek legal advice as Suzanne made the process very understandable and logical on all aspects.  Her legal staff was also very pleasant and great to work with. I would consider everyone at the firm to be my friends after this life altering event.

Braydon L.

I had the best divorce attorney in Minnesota! Look no further and go and see Suzanne Grandchamp. When my world fell apart, I could barely function and would not have
been able to fight for myself without the help of Suzanne Grandchamp. She is a very knowledgeable and compassionate attorney and was always available by phone or email. She stayed on top of every detail and was very effective in dealing with the opposing attorney. Suzanne genuinely cares for her clients and I cannot thank her enough for all she did for me.

Matt B.

I have used Ms. Grandchamp not once, but twice to obtain a divorce. Unfortunate as it is to divorce, it was a smooth process both times with this family law firm. Suzanne is
REAL, likable, on target and I felt well represented.

Daniel B.

I highly recommend [Suzanne Grandchamp’s] services. Suzanne was great to work with. She went through a lot of ups and downs with us while I was adopting my step- children, but she NEVER gave up. Suzanne always had a solution to the barrage of problems and questions we went through, and was always willing to listen.

Tom L. 

I received valuable, accurate, and solid legal advice at a reasonable price. I recommend Suzanne Grandchamp as a divorce lawyer.

Jonathan K.

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Divorce can be a long, grueling and expensive process... but it doesn't have to be. 


With Suzanne & team in your corner, you can navigate the process with ease, confidence and empowerment to you can make the right decisions and save thousands in the process.


We are excited to support you in your divorce process and help you from overwhelmed to truly empowered. 


See you inside, 

Suzanne Grandchamp & The Divorce Readiness Bootcamp Team 


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